SETTINGS → Project settings

This section allows you to change main settings of the project:

- Project name
- Project description (optional). This description can be displayed by clicking on the appropriate button in the project - depending on a given template
- Background audio/voiceover of the project (optional). It is played after clicking on the appropriate button in the project - depending on a given template
In order to add an audio file to the project, click and select the audio file.

Such file must be previously sent to the MEDIA section.
- Primary color setting. It changes the main color of the project template (interface, fonts, icons, etc.)
In order to change the main color, click on

and select it from the displayed palette

- Secondary color setting. It changes the secondary color of the project template (backgrounds, shadows, fillings, etc.).
In order to select the secondary color, click on

and select it from the displayed palette

- Selection of the default project template. In order to select it, click on the template thumbnail

and confirm using ‘Save’.
- Option to install a new template. Click on ‘Browse’ and upload the zip file of the template chosen for installation.
Free templates can be downloaded from HERE.
- Option to force encrypted SSL connection (when the server supports this option)
NOTE. In the case, when your project includes more than one language version, you need to fill out all versions. It is necessary to remember that content entered in the SETTINGS → Project settings section is indexed by browsers (Google, etc.)