POI editing:
- Click once on a given POI

- Click on the Edit icon

- Introduce changes to the POI options and confirm them using ‘OK’
Deletion of POI
- Click once on a given POI
- Click on the Delete icon

Configuration of the POI parameters
- Click on the gear icon

- This will display the main panel of POI options:

List of options from the left side:
- Camera look. For panoramas with DEPTHMAPS. Allows you to set the default camera view in 3D. Specialized alignment based on 6-dof coordinates.
- Pull to the wall. Enabling this feature allows you to automatically place media (photos, videos, text) on the depth map wall. A perfect solution that can save hours of time.
- enabling/disabling POI distance preview (for panoramas with a depth map). It works like POI DEPTH CHECKER. Enabling/ disabling POI distance preview is used to check, whether POI is placed before or outside the depth map border. In the case, when the POI is placed outside the depth map border, it won’t be visible in the project, as it won’t fit within the area determined by the panorama’s depth map.
- resetting the POI settings to default
- selecting the background color of POI
- In order to use it, click on

- Select a color from the palette

- setting the color of the POI icon
- In order to use it, click on

- Select a color from the palette

- rotation of the POI icon – step per 45 degrees
- Click on ‘-‘ in order to rotate left

- setting the POI distance from the camera (for panoramas with a depth map). Default distance: 5m.

- Click on ‘-‘ in order to move POI closer to the camera
- Click on ‘+’ in order to move POI away from the camera
- setting the transparency of the POI background - step per 10%. It is possible to use this setting to control transparency of the POI background from 0% to 100%.
- In order to reduce transparency of the POI background, click on:
- In order to increase transparency of the POI background, click on:

- setting the size of POI

- selecting the POI icon – you can choose from more than 5500 options.
- Click on

- Graph ICO. Your own POI icon. It should be added earlier in the MEDIA section.

- Choose the desired icon and click on its code number
- adding your own icon style to the list of favorites (only in the case of having the VIP licence)
- Click on in order to add an icon to the list of favorites.

- list of favorite and default icons
- click on and select an icon from the list

- confirmation of changes
- Click on

All types of POI can be edited using the same tools.