Audio 3D POI
This advanced type of POI provides the possibility to play audio in the panorama space.
Properties of the audio POI:
- Configuration of the audio volume
- Addition of ambient audio
- 2D - automatic playing of the audio at original volume
- 3D - playing of the audio at determined hearing angle
- Addition of the button for playing audio
- 2D - automatic playing of the audio at original volume
- 3D - playing of the audio at determined hearing angle
- Possibility to enable LOOP mode (the audio is played in a loop)
NOTE! In the case of panoramas with a depth map, the added audio is by default assigned to the area at a distance of 3 meters from the camera.
Adding an audio POI:
- Click on the POI indicator and drag it to the window of panorama/scene.
- Click on the appropriate type of POI
- Select the desired audio file from the file list.
Note! Such audio file must be previously sent to the MEDIA section.
You can play the audio in the Media selector window by clicking on:
- Select the correct audio file
- Save selection
- Configure the parameters of audio POI in the options window
- Options:
- playing of the audio
- volume of the audio
- angular hearing range (0-360 degrees)
- type of POI
- AMBIENT (the audio played automatically)
- BUTTON (the audio played after clicking on the POI button)
- audio playback method
- 3D
- 2D
- ON/OFF of loop playback
Additional audio settings and properties in the case of panoramas with a depthmap.
NOTE: All audios in panoramas with a depth map are set in 3D space. You can get closer or move away from them. They are configured by default at a distance of 3 meters from the camera. It is possible to change their position using the main POI options.
After activation of the options, configure the audio anchoring distance in the space .
Editing an audio POI:
- click on the POI icon and select Edit
- Introduce changes and confirm them using ‘OK’